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The Psychology of Skincare

Did you know that there is a significant mind-body relationship between your skin and your psychological well-being? It’s true! We all know that feeling good about our skin helps us feel good about ourselves (let us preach, right?!). Well, psychodermatology is a new field of study that investigates the link between psychology and, well, your skin. In the last several years, this field has become extremely important. Let’s look into it, shall we?

First things first… Skincare difficulties can lead to major psychological disorders with long-term consequences. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema impact millions of individuals, and each of these issues has been related to sadness and anxiety.

Long after the skin problem has cleared up, the psychological wounds could continue to affect the individual for a long time. This makes sense because people's self-esteem and overall psychological well-being are heavily influenced by their body images.

As anyone who has ever gotten a breakout (or two) knows, skin problems have the potential to cause great anguish. This discomfort with how we appear results in a loss of self-confidence.

Let’s talk about skin-psyche interaction .

Our skin and psyche have a special interaction. It can be seen when our cheeks flush red from humiliation, as well as when we get an acne outbreak when we are stressed.

In essence, the skin mirrors what the mind is feeling.

There are a few ways in which skin care can affect mental health:

  • Skincare Keeps You Centered - Like any other sort of self-care, a skincare routine may be relaxing and comforting. It can lead to mental peace. Having a detailed skincare regimen can help you create structure in your day and make you feel more in charge.

  • Skincare = Happiness - Having a ritual, and devoting time and energy into making yourself feel good, creates a habit that can make you happier in the long run. (And this is better than reaching for ice cream for comfort, right?). Plus, it lets you anticipate something you love at the end and beginning of the day. When you're enthused about something, a section of your prefrontal brain is active, which gives you a natural high.

  • Skincare Helps Keep You Mindful - The process of caring for your skin offers a chance to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is when you focus on the feelings you're having in the current moment without passing judgment (for example, noticing the calming sensation of warm water). You may assist your brain in disconnecting from less healthy, spiraling thought processes by doing this task for just a few minutes.

  • Skincare Proves You’re ‘Worth It’ - You're sending an "I'm worth it” message to your skin by taking just five additional minutes to care for it, thus boosting your self-confidence. Since skin health is critical to our overall well-being, we can validate our self-worth and enhance our confidence by taking care of our physical selves (starting with our outer layer, naturally). When we make it a habit to invest in our skin and beauty, the brain receives a signal that says, "Oh yeah, I am deserving of this attention!” We’re all about that!

Here at 10 Degrees Cooler, we are obsessed with skincare rituals. Ones that are simple, mindful, and make us feel beautiful. That’s why we’ve built a simple skincare lineup that’s nourishing, effective and luxurious. It’s our intention to make sure the skincare ritual you set for yourself is beneficial to your psyche. To explore our products, click here.

By practicing skin care we learn to prioritize our self and our well-being. Since we frequently overlook the significance of doing modest things to make ourselves happy, skin care is a simple first step towards feeling good daily.


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