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Here's How To Keep That Glow While Stuck Inside

Gosh, just us or have the days sort of blended together into a weird sci-fi movie? It’s hard to keep track of time, let alone our schedules these days! If you’re anything like us then you’re probably having an issue or two with this yourself. The thing is, with all the weirdness of being home 24/7 aside, there’s one benefit: establishing and reinforcing new habits. Given that we’re such fans of the skin (naturally), we decided that today we’re going to help you form mini routines to get glowing skin (which hopefully will become habitual for post-sci-fi living). Hey, just think... you’ll be a beacon of glowing radiance when you see friends, coworkers, and family again! Not so bad, eh? 

Okay then, let’s get down to it, since there’s a lot of groundwork to cover (or should we say living room floor to cover?). Below are 5 ways to kick-start a glowing complexion and keep it long after you ditch the daily pj’s and couch work setup. 

Keep Up With Your Skincare Ritual. 

The first and the most cherished among our team is having (and keeping!) a skincare ritual. For us, things don’t have to be crazy complicated to be effective. Heck, we’re all about simplicity, authenticity, and goodness. That’s why our entire line of products are plant-based and all-natural. We’re in it for the results, not the hard-work. 

So, that said, it’s ever-important to have a skincare ritual that you perform both day and night. If you don’t have one already, allow us to provide you with one below; if you do have one but it’s too much work to keep up with, try this one out. 

Your skincare ritual should be a relaxing start and end to your day, not something you dread doing. 

Here’s our favorite one using our very own 10 Degrees Cooler products: 

1.Cleanse your face with our all-natural 02 Cleansing Balm -- Overnight Mask to remove any dirt/grime from the day. 

2. Next, apply our 05 Marine Algae Repairing Mask to help the skin exfoliate naturally. 

3. Then, proceed with the 01 Luminous Face Oil to boost your skin’s radiance. 

4. Finally, apply the 07 Reviving Eye Serum to keep your eyes bright and open! 

5. Don’t forget the SPF!

Have A Mini Spa Day. 

Next up, incorporate a mini spa day into your weekly schedule. This is the perfect way to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit. After all, is there anything that helps rid the mind of worries better than self-pampering? We’re obsessed with getting lost in sensory experiences to ground us and bring us to the present (goodbye, future stressors). 

This doesn’t have to be something that will break the bank either, so allow us to provide you with a DIY Mini Spa Day that will ease your worries and free your mind. 

Here’s the way to do it right: 

1. Start off cleansing your face. (You’ll want a clean, clear palette to work with!)

2. Next, get a warm bath going. Add in some epsom salts, essential oils, and light a few candles. Ambiance is key!

3. Then, grab your favorite facial mask and apply it. 

4.Next, sink into the tub and let yourself soak your worries away. (Need something to do? Try listening to a podcast!).

Eat Snacks That Will Promote That Glow.

So, you’re working hard on getting that skincare ritual in check, and treating yourself to a weekly spa day... Great! Next on the list of ways to change your skincare life post-sci-fi movie is (you’ve heard us say it before) eating right! No more Oreos, okay? Put them down and swap them out for something better -- something, ya know... natural. There are so many skin-supporting foods out there, it’s really just a matter of preference. 

Here are some of our favorite snacks to whip up and eat when we’re feeling a little hungry between meals: 

1. Carrots with Organic Peanut Butter. Okay, sounds weird, sure, but gosh is it good. Think creamy meets crunchy. Vitamin A meets protein punch. It’s great and it helps you get a nice color too! (Just don’t eat it too often or that beautiful bronze on your face will turn into a bright orange bust!). 

2. Sweet Potato With Feta Cheese and Salt/Pepper: Nothing is better than some sweet potatoes, right? They’re so versatile and yummy. Topped with feta cheese and salt/pepper, you have a spectrum of tastes! Plus, it will support your skin’s health; win-win. 

3. Apples With Cinnamon: Forget about artificial dessert. When you have a sweet tooth that won’t quit, just cut up some apples and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. And the peanut butter from the carrots above? Great with apples too. 

Move Your Body!

Nothing boosts glowing skin the way a good sweat does (wait, ew, we obviously mean the benefits of working out, not the sweat itself!). It helps to get your lymphatic system moving, which in turn helps your whole system work better. This is a sure-fire way to work on that glow. 

There you have it, guys! A few ways to make sure you make the most of these times! Any suggestions? We would love to hear from you! 


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